Trinity Church
Biblical GROWTH - Communal STRENGTH

An Assemblies of God Church

We are a fellowship of Born-Again Believers who love and serve our God and Savior Jesus, who is the Christ. We believe and teach Biblical truth. We believe that God loves each one of us equally and when we accept Him as Lord and Savior, we can live a life filled with joy, peace and purpose.

An Assemblies of God Church

Arizona time zone (UTC-07:00)

Sunday Service
10:00 AM
Pot Bless meal every 2nd Sunday/month.
Children are welcome!

Wednesday Bible Study
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Listen to recorded sermons and music in our online audio library.
Dedicated to lifting spirits and changing lives
Trinity is a cozy, small town church, full of big, welcoming hearts. No fluff, no hype; just the word of God wrapped up in common sense, heart felt teaching. Saint or sinner; come as you are and grow in the path that Jesus lovingly laid toward home.
When we sing, we feel the Holy Ghost. When we preach, the word is sharper than a two-edged sword. When we pray as a group, things happen.
Our core values are:
Putting God first in all we do,
Helping each other grow and become more empowered through the name of Jesus,
Healing lives through the love and forgiveness bought by The Christ.

393 N Navajo St
Fredonia, AZ 86022
(About 200 feet from Main St/89A, behind the old Lynx Gas Station)
Tel: 928-643-7391
********* Important *********
Our actual address is
393 N Navajo St
Fredonia, AZ 86022
Google maps is reporting the wrong location. We are actually located in the building that wrongfully says "Town of Fredonia - Community Health Center - Food Distribution Center". This is an issue we are currently trying to work out with Google.